Additional Hearing Services

Battery Sales

We keep a supply of batteries for you to purchase in our office. Stop in routinely for fresh batteries. Make sure to check the batteries in your hearing devices often and make sure there is no dirt, wax or debris interfering with the batteries performance. Batteries that are properly charged will make a noise (a squeal) when cupped in your hand or after it has been inserted in your ear, when you cup your hand over the hearing aid it will also make a noise.

  • Size 10 (yellow)
  • Size 312 (brown)
  • Size 13 (orange)
  • Size 675 (blue)

Counseling on the use and care of your hearing aids

Professional staff is available to help you with problems you may be having with your hearing aids.  They can also spend time with you and discuss ways to make listening with hearing aids easier in your day-to-day life. Family members are welcome and encouraged to come with you and learn about your hearing aids.

Ear Impression

Since the various systems produce different hearing impressions, it is important for you to make a comparison yourself. For this purpose we will produce custom-made earmolds based on the exact contours of your ears. We can then ensure that your hearing aid fits perfectly.

Evaluation and demonstration of Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) including FM systems, Alarm Clocks, TV and Phone Amplifiers

Assistive listening devices are devices that can help a listener function better in day-to-day communication situations. ALDs can be used with or without hearing aids to make hearing easier, which can reduce the overall stress and fatigue of listening.  ALDs can be used in the home to make alarms, the television and telephone more audible.  They can also be connected to personal hearing aids for better listening in noisy environments.

Follow-up Care

Once your hearing aids have been fitted to your complete satisfaction, we will provide you with detailed information on how they should be maintained. Of course, you can have your hearing aids checked by us at any time. This will ensure that the sound quality remains as good as ever, and will extend the life of your aids.

Hearing Evaluations for Children

A hearing test for a child is often not as simple as a hearing test for an adult.  For this reason, audiologists are trained in specific techniques to evaluate the hearing of a child.  Toys, games, and lights are used in the testing room to help obtain responses from a child to soft tones, noises, or words.  The child may wear headphones or listen to the sounds in a room with speakers.

In Office Services

We encourage ongoing cleaning and maintenance after your hearing aid purchase to ensure you receive optimum performance and benefit from your hearing aid(s). We encourage all our patients to come in for regular hearing aid check-ups and cleaning.

Repairs, Maintenance, Cleanings, and Warranties come with all brands of hearing aids. We offer in-office repairs when possible on most makes/models.


Otoacoustic emission testing allows the audiologist to understand how the outer hair cells of your inner ear are working.

Test & Audiometry

In order to adjust your hearing aid to your individual requirements, we first determine your personal hearing profile, or “audiogram.” This is done by testing your ability to hear a variety of speech and environmental sounds.


Tympanometry is an examination used to test the condition of the middle ear and mobility of the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and the conduction bones, by creating variations of air pressure in the ear canal.