Did you know audiologists do more than perform hearing tests?

When you’re worried about your hearing, then scheduling an appointment with an audiologist makes sound sense. However, if your think their proficiency is solely in hearing tests, think again.

Unlike hearing aid dispensers, an audiologist is educated to degree level and above in all matters hearing. This means they are best placed to recognize and treat a whole range of issues pertaining to ears. Consider the following examples:

#1: Hearing protection

Now here’s a dilemma. How does a musician protect their hearing, while still being able to hear the band? This is no small concern, with occupational hearing loss being the biggest single cause of work-related health problems in the US.

The answer is to consult an audiologist. They can advice on hearing protectors that filter out certain sounds but not others. And this doesn’t just apply to musicians but to motor sports enthusiasts, hunters, motorcyclists and those working with heavy machinery.

#2: Tinnitus management

The constant ringing, buzzing, chirping, or humming in the ears that is tinnitus, can make life a misery. Around 80 percent of tinnitus sufferers have some degree of hearing loss, which makes having a hearing test crucial.

In addition, an audiologist can suggest ways of managing the constant intrusion of sound in your head. From white noise machines to mindfulness techniques, your audiologist can help.

#3: Better communication

Severe or complete hearing loss leaves you feeling isolated. However there are other ways to communicate that are not solely hearing based. Again, your audiologist can advise you on strategies that make the most of limited hearing, plus teach new skills that improve your ability to understand others.

#4: Adjustment strategies

Getting used to life with a hearing aid can be overwhelming at times. Going from forced quietness to the sudden intrusion of noise can be quite shocking.

But your audiologist isn’t just there to send you home with a hearing device; he or she will want to give support and tutor you in how to adjust. Don’t worry about being out of your depth, because the audiologist can guide you as to the best way to make a slow but steady adjustment.

#5: Repairs and fittings

Your audiologist should be your first destination when your device isn’t working as well as expected. They can undertake minor repairs in house, and loan out devices if yours has to be sent away.

Why does any of this matter to you?

It matters because an audiologist is able to think outside the box. When a hearing test shows an issue, they don’t automatically assume that a hearing device is the only answer. They have the knowledge to recognize when a hearing deficit is a complication of a separate health issue (and suggest treating the latter). In addition, they can suggest other ways of improving your communication skills, such as learning to read facial expressions.