If you’re considering hearing aids, chances are you’ve had an appointment with an audiologist and have been told you have hearing loss. Untreated hearing loss can cause social isolation, depression and a decline in cognitive function, so it’s crucial to treat this as soon as possible.

Hearing aids are the most commonly prescribed treatment for hearing loss. With a multitude of styles and brands to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you? Consider the following four things when selecting your hearing aids.

1. Hearing aid style

There are a number of different hearing aids styles, from ones that sit behind the ear to more invisible ones worn in the ear canal. When your audiologist discusses your hearing loss results with you, they will recommend the best styles for your particular needs. In addition to selecting the right hearing aid for your hearing loss, it’s important to consider what style you want. While many prefer the smaller, more discreet models, it’s important to consider issues like dexterity and features you want. Smaller hearing aids mean smaller batteries; if you struggle with miniature devices this may not be the best option for you.

2. Features

Perhaps you want a hearing aid that mutes background noise so you can hear conversations better, or, maybe you’d rather have one with easy connectivity to other devices. Hearing aids have a plethora of different features available, so it’s important to discuss the ones most important to you with your audiologist. If you do not understand what a particular feature does, talk to your audiologist and find out which they feel would be most beneficial for your needs.

3. Your lifestyle

Are you particularly active? You may want to select a hearing aid with water-resistant or waterproof capabilities. Or maybe you spend most of your time in classrooms or lecture halls, so it’s more important to find a device that will sync with your building capabilities. Regardless, it’s important to discuss what your hobbies and interests are so you can select a hearing aid that will best suit those needs.

4. Budget

Hearing aids are an investment, so it’s essential to know going into the selection process how much you can afford. Knowing your budget will allow you to weed out any unnecessary features that may be costly and not beneficial for you. Talk more with your audiologist about the right hearing aids for your budget.

Selecting hearing aids is an exciting time! Not only will you be able to hear the world around you more clearly, your quality of life will improve as well! Talk closely with your audiologist to determine the best hearing aids for your hearing loss needs.