Tinnitus is one of the most common hearing problems for people of all ages. There’s every chance you can experience this issue, and it may be both concerning and irritating. It’s a condition that’s talked about a lot, but there are often many myths written about it. To help clear everything up, here are five facts about tinnitus:

Tinnitus affects around 15 percent of adults

This condition is way more common than you might think. So much so that over one in ten people suffer from it. That means millions of people are walking around with tinnitus every day! Contrary to what many believe, it’s not a problem that solely affects the elderly population. Any adult can get tinnitus as it is brought about by multiple different problems.

Tinnitus causes you to hear sounds that aren’t there

The main symptom of tinnitus is a persistent ringing or hissing sound in your ears. No matter where you go, or how noisy your surroundings are, you just can’t stop hearing the same noise in your head at all times. Often, people with tinnitus have to check with other people to see if they can hear a ringing or hissing sound. It causes you to hear things that don’t actually exist, and if you experience this, then it’s a good indication that you have tinnitus.

Multiple things can cause tinnitus

Most people assume that exposure to loud noises is the only cause of tinnitus. You’re constantly exposed to loud noises for long periods, which damages the internal parts of your ear, and causes the tinnitus symptoms. While this is true, loud noises are just one of many different causes. In fact, many people develop this problem when they have ear infections or even problems with their jaw.

Tinnitus doesn’t cause hearing loss

Perhaps one of the biggest tinnitus myths is that it causes hearing loss. Many people are afraid to see an audiologist when they have tinnitus, purely because they’re afraid of getting the dreaded news that their hearing is going. Tinnitus does not cause hearing loss, many people can experience this condition while their hearing works perfectly. Having said that, it is common for people with hearing loss to experience tinnitus.

Not all instances of tinnitus are permanent

Some people are unfortunate enough to develop permanent tinnitus. However, most cases are temporary and can go away in a matter of days, weeks, or months. Even if you have permanent tinnitus, you can treat it in multiple ways. The most effective of which is via hearing aids prescribed by your audiologist. Some hearing aids come with tinnitus treatment features which help reduce the ringing or hissing you always hear.

Through this post, you should know a lot more about tinnitus compared to what you knew beforehand. It’s not necessarily a serious condition, and it doesn’t cause hearing loss. If you experience a constant sound in your ears, then it makes sense to see an audiologist and get tested for tinnitus. From here, you can see if it’s permanent and requires treatment, or if it’s temporary and not a cause for concern.